Beef Tallow for Skin?

It seems like the new trendy thing... but tallow for skincare dates all the way back to Ancient Rome and Egypt!

It is a biomimetic ancient ingredient with a naturally balanced composition of antioxidantsfatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Beef tallow specifically contains naturally occurring fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and B12, plus conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and niacin.

Those that have consistently used beef tallow on their skin report improvedcell regeneration, fine lines and skin tone.

Last Best Tallow Spa Bundle

Sourced & Made In Montana!

We source our beef fat from 100% sustainably-raised Montana cattle! Because we are also full-time butchers, we are able to select only the highest quality fat to use in our product. The fat is rendered down and purified before using it in all of our products.

Shop Whipped Tallow Balm